Noxious Weed Free Forage and Straw
You are now required to use Certified Weed Free Forage and Straw on ALL FEDERAL LANDS
Why should you use Weed Free Forage and Straw?
Noxious weeds displace native plant species, diminish the beauty of the landscape and recreation experience, decrease wildlife habitat and ecosystem biodiversity, and increase soil erosion rates. Once a noxious weed species is widely distributed it is very difficult to remove it.
What is certified Weed Free Forage and Straw?
Certification provides assurance that the field was inspected based upon a reasonable and prudent visual inspection by a certified inspector and no noxious weeds were detected. Idaho Standard certified hay and straw meet the Idaho USFS and BLM Weed Free Hay Order.
How do I know if Forage or Straw is Certified Weed Free?
You will know you are buying certified Noxious Weed Free Forage and Straw bales by the ISDA certification bale tag or it will have at least one strand of purple and yellow (intertwined) twine. Starting with the 2022 growing season twine will be ORANGE and BLUE. Purple and yellow will still be accepted and used until supplies are gone.
Changes to the Noxious Weed Free Forage & Straw Certification Program
There have been a few changes to the program. Starting in the 2022 growing season an application form will be required by ISDA. It must be turned into the Lemhi County Weed Superintendent prior to inspection. In the past purple and yellow twine was used on hay certified to NAISMA standards. It will now be orange and blue. Old twine will still be used and accepted until supplies are depleted. Pricing has also changed. Please see ISDA’s page for more information.
Forage and Straw Certification
To request a field inspection contact your County Weed Control Superintendent.
weeds@lemhicountyidaho.org or (208) 742-1662